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​Welcome to the website for the Office of Priestly Vocations of the Diocese of Grand Rapids, MI. This year twenty-five men from our diocese will be in seminary formation programs in preparation for ordination, seven of whom are new to formation. Thirteen of these men are at St. John Vianney College Seminary and twelve are at USML/Mundelein Seminary.

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360 Division Ave. S. Grand Rapids, MI 49503

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College IV 
St. Bartholomew 
Newaygo, MI


Jonathan & Holly Schneider
Monica, Natalie, Kateri, Avila, Savina, Justin
University of St. Thomas
St. John Vianney College Seminary
Piano, Disc Golf, Cooking, Reading, Ping Pong.

Who inspired you to be a priest?
The inspiration to consider the priesthood has come from multiple, different things in my life, but most of all it came from prayer, the example of my parents, and how they lovingly raised me.

Why do you want to be a priest?
I am drawn to the sacraments and the gift of ministering those sacraments, to the beauty of spiritual fatherhood, and to the way the priest is able to help and serve others en persona Christi.

What do you love most about the seminary?
How Christ-centered everything is.  Everything revolves around Him.  He is at the beginning of what we do, in the middle, and at the end.

What are you most grateful for?
I am really most grateful to my parents, for their incredible example and love, how they have taught me, guided me, and raised me in the Faith.  I am also very grateful for all those who are praying for me.

Write to Isaac at:
University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Ave.  
St. Paul, MN  55105
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